Murals and Retablos

El Buen Pastor/Good Shepherd mural painting (closeup)by AVonnHartung (after A.Soord "The Lost Sheep"), in chapel "Hermanas Misioneras del Buen Pastor" (Caguas, Puerto Rico)
El Buen Pastor (after A. Soord “The Lost Sheep”)


Yo soy El Buen Pastor/I am The Good Shepherd painting (closeup) by A.VonnHartung, in "El Buen Pastor" church (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico)
Yo soy El Buen Pastor / I am the Good Shepherd (closeup)


Yo soy El Buen Pastor / I am the Good Shepherd


"En el Nombre del Padre..." San Francisco Javier Baptizing, retablo painting by AVonnHartung, in Parroquia San Francisco Javier (Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico)
En el Nombre del Padre / San Francisco Javier



"El Sueño de las Dos Columnas" San Juan Bosco/ "The Dream of the Two Columns" mural by AVonnHartung, in Capilla San Juan Bosco (Orocovis, Puerto Rico)
El Sueño de las Dos Columnas / Dream of the Two Columns (mural)

Sanctuary of Saint John Bosco in Orocovis


"El Sueño de las Dos Columnas" San Juan Bosco/ "The Dream of the Two Columns" mural closeup by AVonnHartung, in Capilla San Juan Bosco (Orocovis, Puerto Rico)
El Sueño de las Dos Columnas / Dream of the Two Columns (closeup)

Inauguración de Capilla-Santuario San Juan Bosco


Mural by AVonnHartung at Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima, BarrioAmelia SJ Puerto Rico
Mural de la Fe / Mural of Faith

A Mural of Faith: Art in the Light of Christ



"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" mosic mural by AVonnHartung in Orocovis, Puerto Rico
La Vida y Profecía de San Juan Bautista / MosaicMural


"The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" MosaicMural (closeup 4 saints) by AVonn Hartung in Orocovis Puerto Rico
MosaicMural Closeup


Artist AVonnHartung displays his maquette of MosaicMural "The Life and Prophecy of St. John the Baptist" in Orocovis, Puerto Rico
Maquette of MosaicMural


Cristo Abriendo Las Puertas de Misericordia_AVonnHartung
Christ opening the Doors of Mercy


San José in the carpenter shop with Niño Jesús; 2-dimensional illuminated relief (approx 5-ft high) by AVonnHartung at Capilla Divino Niño in Orocovis, Puerto Rico
San José with Niño Jesús




The Compassion of San Juan Bosco



Siempre Joven / Forever Young


"Let it be Done", painting by AVonnHartung for Walsingham UK
Let it be Done


On Earth as it is in Heaven